Discover How I Eliminated The Small Hive Beetle Threat by Making Several Small Changes To My Hive Equipment.

What Every Bee Keeper Must Know To Protect Their Hives 

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Small Hive Beetle Basics (4 ways to understand "Beetle Space")
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Three Ways Bees Fight Small Hive Beetles
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Five Hidden Costs Of Harboring Small Hive Beetles
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How the OLD equipment is actually creating "Beetle Space"
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Objective To Fixing (Modifying) Conventional Equipment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How We Beetle Proofed Our Hive Equipment and How You Can Apply These Techniques to Your Own Equipment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Battle Plan
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

The NATURAL way to fix the core reason SHB's are able to thrive in your hive.

  • Understand Beetle Space: This little known secret will help you instantly see the true battle plan of the SHB.
  • Why our current equipment is the problem: You will understand why our old equipment is the weak link actually causing the SHB problem by creating habitat for beetles. It is almost impossible to drive the beetles out using your current equipment. 
  • Step by step solution: You will get detailed step by step videos of exactly how we transformed our equipment and eliminated "Beetle Space"

Here is what you will learn in this course.


Step by step instructions on how to UPDATE your inner cover to eliminate the "BEETLE SPACE" that creates little hotel rooms for the SHB to thrive and drive your bees insane. 


Step by step instructions on how to UPDATE your frames to eliminate the "BEETLE SPACE" that causes the most chaos in your hive. This is the most important step in our system. 


Step by step instructions on how to UPDATE your supers and hive bodies to eliminate the "BEETLE SPACE".

Hi, I am Andrew Colf,

I have been a gardener for over forty years and a commercial flower grower for twelve years.

After spending years watching small hive beetles creating chaos in my hives I discovered the real problem and found a solution.  

The industry was focused on bee space.

When they needed to focused on "Beetle Space".

The old industrial age supers, frames and equipment were actually causing the problem.  There is simply no way the bees could defend themselves with this old equipment.  

I developed a NEW way that gave our bees a true defense against these invasive small hive beetles.

In this course I am going to walk you through step by step the changes I made to my hive equipment to chase away small hive beetles...

The OLD system will always fail.

The current equipment creates a hotel like effect for small hive beetles.

It is like having little pockets of secret rooms that only the beetles can access.

If beetles can access their secret rooms before the bees, they are safe.

It is like a cat and mouse game.

The bees will always lose with the old equipment. 

The options on the market (oil traps, gizmos, chemicals) will only win a small battle but the beetles will always win the war. They are treating the symptom and not the cause. 

In my course I walk through in detail how I ELIMINATED these secret hotel rooms and evicted the beetles.

How You Can Eliminate The Small Hive Beetle Threat by Making Several SMALL Changes To your Hive Equipment.

Here is what you will learn with our system.

  • Understanding Beetles: The little known secrets into why beetles are wining the war.
  • Where the current system fails: Where your old hive equipment gives beetles secret rooms to reproduce and destroy your hives.
  • The NEW system to eliminate Beetle Space: Over seven videos with step by step instructions on how to fix your hive equipment.
  • ​How to update your inner cover to eliminate Beetle Space
  • ​How to update your frames to eliminate Beetle Space
  • How to update your supers/hive bodies to eliminate Beetle Space
  • ​​How to update your bottom board to eliminate Beetle Space

By taking this course you will have the same knowledge and techniques I used to eliminate the beetles from overtaking my hives

It is NOT an instant fix and will require you to retrofit your existing equipment.

But don't worry...

In this course I take new equipment and give you a step by step guide.

I show you in real time how to do everything.

You will have access to every video and future updates.

This course shows you how to make it so uncomfortable that small hive beetles will want to leave on their own.

Sign up below and I will share step by step what I did to turn the tables on small hive beetles.

The Solution To Eliminating Beetle Space.

The four key elements to our system:

  • Update your inner cover
  • Update your frames
  • Update your supers/hive bodies
  • Update your bottom board

Only fix it once and you are done!

Frequently Asked Questions

 What is your "Beetle Proof" system?

We created a course on Teachable that walks you through the exact process on how to update your Frames, Inner Covers, Supers, Hive Bodies and Bottom Boards. We give you step by step videos showing you exactly what to do.  

Our course goes over the following:

1) Understanding how the SHB's operate

2) Where the beetles thrive in your equipment

3) Detailed instructions on how to update your equipment to eliminate these "hotel rooms".

You can view the course here -

 How does it work?

Our system modifies your existing or new equipment to eliminate the secret hotel rooms the SHB uses to thrive, survive and multiply in the hive. We walk you through exactly how to do this on detailed videos.

1) Update your inner covers

2) Update your frames

3) Update your supers/hive bodies

4) Update your bottom boards

 Why not just use oil or any of the other traps in the market?

These systems only help after you have a problem. They require constant replacing, are messy and cost money. Most importantly they don't address the core reason the SHB's are able to thrive in the hive. Our system fixes the very root cause and allows the Bee's to naturally chase the SHB's out of the hive. 

The current gimmicks are like having an oil leak in your car and only looking for solutions to clean the oil off your driveway. Our solution fixes the leaks or in this case the secret little hotel rooms that SHB's use to thrive in the hive.

 What is the cost?

The course costs $39

You can view the course here -

 Is it cheaper than using the current traps on the market?

We think so!!! In fact we priced our course ($39) at a level that is easily affordable for anyone serious about their Bee's.  If you add up the cost of the other options you could be spending well into the $100's of dollars every year without eliminating the threat. But, this does not take into account the cost of your time, energy and frustration at seeing your hives being overrun and destroyed by small hive beetles.  Once you update your hives you are done. There is no need for these other gizmos and tricks. 

 What if I don't like your course?

No problem, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee.